By Ja'anai Delaney for NewsHour Extra
This article, Civil War in Syria Raises Questions About When to Intervene, is about a war that is currently going on in Syria. It is a war between the military that is loyal to the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and protest fighters. "However, in an attempt to justify his brutal crackdown, Assad has blamed foreign actors and terrorists for the initial uprising and continued violence." The war is making it unsafe for innocent people who live in the country. They are fleeing from their homes to refugee camps in need of food, water, shelter, and for those who are sick, medicine. "(UNHCR) The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that over 200,000 people have fled their homes for calmer parts of Syria or neighboring countries such as Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon."
"The united Nations estimates that as many as 2.5 million people have been affected by the crisis."
The other countries do accept the refugees but they don't have enough resources to care for other people outside of their community.
"The opposition is a patchwork of groups fighting to overthrow Assad and establish a democracy in his place. The opposition includes the Free Syrian Army, the Syrian Liberation Army and fighters across the region. Terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda have even joined the fight, worrying outside observers."
The United states is wondering wiether or not if they should intervene in this fight to see if they can help those "caught in the crossfire." The U.S and other peoples are seeming supporters of the "anti-regime groups, they said that they will not get in between the war unless Assad use Chemical Weapons."
Assad is also threatening that if the U.S gets involved that they would hurt them as well, so the U.s is trying to not have anymore people get hurt in the process for a fight that's not ours.
The armies in Syria have a lot of weapons and there have been reports of city massacres.
I do not think that United States should get involved because it would do more harm than good. The U.S is always seemingly to get into some nonsense that had nothing to do with us and then it backfires, like the reason for the 9/11 attacks. The war started over a fight for oil and it backfired and killed hundreds of people in the process. I think that the U.S should just wait it out and see what happens, weither the kill Assad or her kills his opposers, I believe that us intervening would make things worse putting innocent lives in danger and there could be another attack like the 9/11.
There's a bit too many quotes here and you need to explain your ideas in the last paragraph with a bit more detail. This part in particular is very confusing: "like the reason for the 9/11 attacks. The war started over a fight for oil and it backfired and killed hundreds of people." 80